Feuer beim Anfahren einer Müllverbrennungsanlage auf einem Vorschubrost

The amount of waste produced worldwide is currently over 2 billion tons per year. This value can increase by 70% until 2050


Highly developed countries produce more than a third of the world's garbage mass - even though only 16 percent of the world's population lives in these countries


Landfills contaminate soil, pollute water and cause illnesses.
The need for mechanical - biological recycling and waste-to-energy plants will grow rapidly

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Feuer während dem Anfahren auf einem Vorschubrost in der Müllverbrennung

Waste - a valuable resource

The amount of waste worldwide will increase dramatically by 2050 - from around 2 billion tons at present to around 3.4 billion tons. It is all the more important globally to use these valuable resources in a sustainable and responsible way. In addition to avoidance and recycling, thermal usage makes an important contribution to the circular economy.
A modern waste-to-energy not only generates electricity and heat, but also extracts valuable raw materials such as metals and minerals from the incineration residues.

4 verschiedene müllarten in der Müllverbrennung unterteilt in die art der entsorgung - hausmüll gewerbemüll klärschlamm sondermüll biomasse

About us


Founded in Winterthur, Switzerland, in 2015 by experts as a small start-up, our company has established itself as a flexible and reliable partner. In the beginning we focused on maintenance and optimisation of existing installations, however nowadays we can refer to realised and current projects such as hazardous waste installations, retrofit and new installations. Planning, engineering, in-house production, installation and commissioning, maintenance and spare parts - swisscomb is proud to offer its customers and partners comprehensive services. With Swiss quality and reliability.
Müllverbrennungsanlage in der Bauphase: Luftansicht der Baustelle der Müllverbrennungsanlage in Rennes, Retrofit des Feuerunsssystems durch die Swisscomb GmbH

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